Genuine Cloud Architecture in Cloud Hosting
All shared web hosting accounts which we provide are generated on our tailor made cloud platform and the service you'll get is the best possible one that you'll be able to find on the web hosting market. We have different clusters of web servers managing the files, e-mails, statistics, Control Panel, databases, and so forth. Since we can easily keep adding servers to any cluster, we have virtually limitless system resources, not mentioning that we have virtually eliminated any downtime of the websites hosted on our platform. The in-house built Hepsia Control Panel was meant to function in the cloud and it even has its own cluster to work from, so in case you subscribe for one of our shared hosting plans, you will get a genuine cloud Internet hosting service which will deliver the best possible performance of your sites.
Genuine Cloud Architecture in Semi-dedicated Hosting
We do not make any compromises with the services which we provide, so when we say that we use a real cloud web hosting platform, we really mean it. The semi-dedicated server solutions which you will be able to buy through our company are created on powerful clusters of servers, so your files, databases and e-mail messages will be stored on different clusters, and even services like visitor stats, logs and the Control Panel will be taken care of by their own machines. The hardware configuration is redundant, therefore you will never experience any downtime and you will enjoy a fast and secure service at all times. The Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all semi-dedicated accounts, was designed to work on our cloud platform, so that you can get the most out of the hardware. Every time we need more processing power or there is a problem with a machine, we can easily attach extra servers to any of the clusters without affecting the proper functioning of your sites.